ARTICLE 1 – Organization

The company JYLOR, whose head office is located at 143 rue d'Ollioules, 83 140 Six-Fours-Les-Plages, registered with the Toulon RCS under number 919 449 959 (hereinafter the “Organizing Company” ), is organizing a game with purchase obligation from 01/12/2023 to 20/12/2023 at midnight (inclusive), entitled “GRAND JEU DE NOËL JYLOR” hereinafter the “Game”.

The Game is only accessible on the site Any unauthorized reproduction of these brands, logos and signs constitutes an infringement punishable by criminal sanctions.

All software used on the site, as well as the texts, comments, illustrations or images reproduced, are protected by copyright and their unauthorized reproduction constitutes an infringement punishable by criminal sanctions.

ARTICLE 2 – Conditions of access to the Game

2.1 Participation in the Game is open to any adult, capable natural person, aged at least 18 years, residing in mainland France (Corsica included), having, on the start date of the Game, fixed internet access and a personal electronic address (email) at which they can be contacted for the purposes of managing the Game (hereinafter the “Participant”). People who have directly or indirectly participated in the development of the Game, as well as members of their family (same name, same postal address), including people working for the Organizing Company or for his account, and the members of the office of the Commissioner of Justice with whom this regulation is filed. Only entries that comply with all the stipulations of this article will be accepted. The Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out any verification it deems useful, particularly concerning the identity, age and address of each Participant, with a view to ensuring compliance with the stipulations of this article. In this regard, any information given in the registration form referred to in Article 3 below, which is incomplete, erroneous, falsified, does not make it possible to identify a Participant or their contact details, or would contravene any stipulations of these regulations will result in the cancellation of their participation.

2.2 Participation in the Game is done exclusively via the internet, to the exclusion of any other means, including by post.

2.3 Participation in the Game implies express and unreserved acceptance of these regulations in their entirety, the rules of ethics in force on the internet (etiquette, charter of good conduct, etc.), as well as the laws and regulations applicable to competitions in force in France.

ARTICLE 3 - Participation in the Game

To play, the Participant must, between 01/12/2023 and 20/12/2023 at midnight (inclusive):

  1. Go to
  2. Read the rules, validate the check box for full acceptance of the rules before participating.
  3. Buy a JYLOR brand product.
  4. Complete the following mandatory fields: NAME/FIRST NAME/TELEPHONE/EMAIL

Only Participants who have correctly followed these steps will have their application validated and will be automatically entered into the draw. On the page dedicated to the Game, the Participant will be able to read the following information:

- the name of the Game;
- the start and end dates of the Game;
- the prize at stake;
- the complete rules of the Game.
Participants are informed: - That in the event of return of a JYLOR brand product purchased for exchange, the initial order will be taken into consideration for participation in the draw.

Participation in the game will not be canceled in the event of product exchange following a defective product received or a change of mind on the part of the participant. - That any withdrawal and/or request for reimbursement results in the cancellation of participation in the Game; - In the event of an unresolved PayPal dispute in favor of JYLOR and/or non-payment in full of the order, participation in the Game will be canceled and the products will become the property of JYLOR again.

Article 4: Determination of the Winner

The winner will be drawn at random under the supervision of the Commissioner of Justice, in the days following the closing of the Game, from among all complete entries (as described in article 3).

Only one Winner per household. This draw will be carried out automatically according to a computer algorithm (random mathematical formula for designating the winner). The number drawn at random will designate the winning Participant of the Game (hereinafter the “Winner”). The prize will be awarded between January and December 2024, it is the organizer who will decide the dates. The draw will take place on Thursday December 21.

ARTICLE 5 – Prize at stake

The winner will receive the following prizes:

• Return flight: France – Dubai for 2 people

•3 Hotel nights in DUBAI with half board for 2 people

• 2 Various activities on site

• 1 restaurant with the founders of the brand, Jessica & Thibault Garcia.

• Participation in a Youtube video by Jessica and Thibault which will be broadcast on their channel @Thibaultetjessica

This lot has an average value of 3,000 euros including tax.

Costs and personal expenses will be the responsibility of the winner.

The prize awarded cannot be contested by the Winner. The prize awarded is non-transferable, non-transferable and cannot be sold.

It cannot be the subject of any exchange or delivery in kind or in cash by the Organizing Company. However, if circumstances require it, the Organizing Company reserves the right to replace one of the prizes awarded with a prize of equivalent value.

ARTICLE 6 - Information from the Winner and delivery of prizes

6.1 The Organizing Company will inform the Winner, by email and by telephone at the address indicated when registering for the Game, of their winning within seven (7) days of the draw. The Winner must confirm acceptance of their win within 72 hours following receipt of the winning announcement email, by responding to the sending email address and specifying their contact details: name, first name, postal address . In the absence of confirmation from the Winner under the aforementioned conditions, the prize will be considered lost and will not be reallocated to another Participant.

It will remain the full property of the Organizing Company. Any incomplete or inaccurate contact details will be considered void and will not allow the Winner chosen by random draw to obtain their prize. Generally speaking, entries in the Game will be canceled if they are incomplete, erroneous, counterfeit or made in a manner contrary to these regulations. For all purposes, it is specified that under no circumstances will Participants who have not been drawn be informed by e-mail or by any other means whatsoever.

6.2 The Organizing Company will send the prize to the Winner, directly to their home at the address indicated in the winning confirmation email, within one month of receipt of the winning confirmation email sent by the Winner. Winner.

The Winner accepts that the prize delivery and the trip will be filmed and broadcast on social networks, internet, TV and all communication media.

ARTICLE 7 - Modification of the Game and the rules

The Organizing Company reserves the right to cancel, postpone, extend or shorten the Game, as well as to modify all or part of the conditions of access and/or the terms of implementation of the Game, if circumstances oblige him to do so without having to justify this decision and without his liability being engaged in any way as a result.

Any modification of the regulations will be announced on the publication page of the operation, and will result in a new filing with the Commissioner of Justice cited in article 8 below and will come into force from the time it was put online.

Any Participant will then be deemed to have accepted this modification simply by virtue of their participation in the Game from the date of entry into force of said modification.

ARTICLE 8 - Filing and consultation of the regulations

Participation in the Game implies full and unreserved acceptance of these regulations in their entirety, as filed with SAS DE LEGE LATA CDJA, Office of Commissioners of Justice, located at 39, rue de Liège 75008 PARIS.

These regulations are available free of charge and in their entirety on the Game page: for the duration of the Game. A copy of these regulations will also be sent free of charge by post to any person, upon simple written request from them mentioning their full contact details (surname, first name, postal address), sent until 12/20/2023 at midnight (postmark the post office being authentic), to: JYLOR COMPETITION “GREAT JYLOR CHRISTMAS GAME”

143 rue d’Ollioules, 83 140 Six-Fours-Les-Plages (Hereinafter “the Address of the Game”). Postage costs linked to the payment request will be reimbursed, within the limit of the national rate in force (20 g basis), upon simple written request to this effect accompanying the payment request. Only one request for a copy of payment will be reimbursed per household (same name, same postal address).

ARTICLE 9 - Reimbursement of participation fees

Any participant in the game who has complied with the conditions of access and participation, as mentioned in these regulations, may request reimbursement of participation fees.

This request must be made in writing to the game address indicated in article 8 before 12/20/2023 at midnight (postmark taken as proof) or at the latest within ten (10) calendar days following the date shown on the Internet service provider's invoice if the participant receives it after the aforementioned deadline.

The reimbursement request must include the following information in a legible manner:

  • Name, first name and full postal address of the participant;
  • Name of the game as well as the URL of the site;
  • Dates and times of connections;
  • Detailed copy of the invoice from the access provider, clearly mentioning the connection dates and times;
  • Bank identity statement (RIB) or postal identity statement (RIP) for mainland France in the participant's first and last name.

Only one reimbursement request per household (same name, same postal address) is authorized. The organizing company undertakes to reimburse only participants who have accessed the site from a fixed Internet connection and who have respected the conditions of access and participation set out in the regulations.

Any request that is incomplete, illegible or sent to an address other than that of the game, or after the deadline mentioned (the postmark being taken as proof), will be considered void.

Reimbursement of Internet connection costs: If the participant accesses the game via a modem and a telephone line billed in proportion to the communication time or per call, he can obtain reimbursement for his connections upon written request before the 12/20/2023 at midnight at the game address.

The reimbursement is based on an average Internet connection time of 3 minutes at a flat rate cost of €0.14 per minute, i.e. a flat rate reimbursement of €0.42. Postage costs for the refund request will be refunded at the current slow rate (base: 20g). The refund will be made by bank transfer within sixty calendar days from receipt of the refund request after verification of its validity.

However, the offers of some Internet service providers offer a free or flat-rate connection, and in this case, any free or flat-rate access to the site will not give rise to a refund.

In fact, the subscription to the services of the access provider is taken out by the participant for his general use of the Internet, and the connection to the site and participation in the game do not incur any additional costs. Likewise, costs related to computer or electronic equipment used to participate in the game will not be reimbursed, participants acknowledging that they are available for personal use.

ARTICLE 10 – Privacy – Computing and freedoms

The personal data collected in the participation form are mandatory and intended exclusively for the organizing company. They are only used to take into account participation in the game, manage the winner, award the prize, and meet legal and regulatory obligations. This data may be communicated to service providers and subcontractors used by the organizing company for the organization and/or management of the game. In accordance with the GDPR, all participants have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to data concerning them upon simple written request to the game address. Any exercise of this right will result in cancellation of participation in the game.

ARTICLE 11 – Responsibilities

11.1 The responsibility of the organizing company is strictly limited to the delivery of the prize actually and validly won.

11.2 Please note that the Internet is not a secure network. The organizing company is therefore not responsible for contamination by possible viruses or the intrusion of a third party into the game participants' terminal system. It declines all responsibility for the consequences of the connection of participants to the network via the site In particular, the organizing company is not responsible for damage caused to participants, their computer equipment and the data stored there, as well as the consequences which may result from this on their personal or professional activity.

11.3 The organizing company is not responsible for malfunctions of the Internet network, telephone lines or reception equipment which could disrupt the smooth running of the game. It disclaims all liability in the event of it being impossible for one or more participants to connect to the site or to play due to technical problems, particularly related to network congestion. In the event of fraud, the organizing company reserves the right to cancel all or part of the game, not to award the prize to the fraudsters and/or to prosecute the perpetrators of this fraud before the competent courts.

11.4 The organizing company will do its best to ensure continuous access to the game on the site, without being required to an obligation in this sense. It reserves the right to interrupt access to the site and the game, in particular for technical, updating or maintenance reasons, at any time. The organizing company is in no way responsible for these interruptions and their consequences.

11.5 The organizing company cannot be held responsible for incidents or accidents occurring during the enjoyment of the prize awarded or due to inappropriate use by the winner. It is specified that the organizing company will not provide any service or guarantee linked to the use of the prizes, the latter consisting solely of the delivery of the prizes planned for the game.

ARTICLE 12 - Applicable law and jurisdiction

12.1 These regulations are subject to French law. Participants are therefore subject to French regulations applicable to competitions. 122 In the event of a dispute or complaint, for whatever reason, the requests must be sent in writing to the organizing company within two (2) months after the close of the game (the postmark being taken as proof) . 123 Any dispute arising during this game and which cannot be settled amicably will be submitted to the competent courts.

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